What is Medical Acupuncture? … a modern adaptation of the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture. It is defined as “a therapeutic technique that involves the insertion of fine needles into certain points across the body to encourage healing and pain relief.” (1) Why is it used in Sports Therapy? …to help manage pain and inflammation. Acupuncture can help to relieve pain by stimulating the brain and nervous system to produce pain-relieving chemicals. The chemicals released during acupuncture (including endorphins) are thought to help promote the body's natural healing process, which can be essential in the treatment of painful musculoskeletal problems. (1) What’s the difference between Medical & Traditional Chinese Acupuncture? …the main difference is that the ancient beliefs of 'yin', 'yang', and the energy 'qi' is substituted for a combined knowledge of physiology and pathology, anatomy, and the common principals of evidence based medicine. (1) Does it hurt? …the sensation varies from person to person. Most people feel nothing at all, whereas some people feel a slight sharpness. The needles are very fine, so it won’t feel like an injection/blood test. (1) Most people find that Acupuncture as a method to treat muscular pain is much less painful than trigger points and deep tissue work. You should feel an “ache” or a “heavy” feeling. How is it used in my treatment? …your therapist will add Acupuncture to your normal treatment, as it is most effective when used alongside other soft tissue work such as; trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage and joint mobilisations. (1) www.therapy-directory.org.uk/articles/medical-acupuncture.html For more information, contact Jeni on 07984008186, via Facebook, or [email protected]
29/3/2020 06:20:39 am
If there are still people who do not have the right understanding of acupuncture, now is the perfect time for you guys to do it. I am not sure if I was able to get all the. needed information about it, but I know when and where to get acupuncture. It's been used on the ancient times. Up to these days, many people still believe in its vitality when it comes to healthcare! I am looking forward to see more people being much aware of this situation! I am sure they will always find time to understand it.
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